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Chimney Sweep

The danger of using an unsafe chimney!


All chimneys should be inspected annually and swept when needed to remove byproducts such as soot and creosote.  This could prevent chimney fires and ensure that dangerous fumes can exit your home. A chimney sweep is needed to remove creosote deposits and other debris from chimneys and vents. Creosote buildup, debris, and animal nesting in chimneys can lead to chimney fires or flue blockages and dangerous fumes can be forced into your home.
During a chimney fire temperatures inside the chimney often exceed 1100 degrees and this can destroy your chimney and may set your house on fire.

My Vinings-Smyrna 2024 Best Fireplace Company
Chimney sweep

Although most people don't realize it, the air moving up your chimney works under the same set of physical principles as water flowing in a hose or pipe. When a fireplace chimney is full of hot air, it actually pulls air through the firebox. This pulling effect is called draft and it corresponds to the amount of pressure in a water hose - the only difference is that the air pressure is negative and the water pressure is positive (think of using a straw to drink with instead of to blow bubbles). Thus, chimneys are negative pressure systems.

We Conduct Smoke Tests For Your Safety!

A smoke test will allow us to find any defects or flaws in the system that could allow dangerous invisible fumes to leak through your chimney or flue and into your air supply. It can also help us determine whether or not your chimney needs to be relined. Learn more...



At SafeAir Services we conduct a smoke test

To ensure airflow and find leaks. In addition, to inspecting and sweeping your chimney or fireplace, we also smoke test it.


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