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Dryer Vent System Inspection and Cleaning - The Full Guide

dryer Vent Cleaning Guide

What is dryer vent cleaning?

Dryer vent cleaning involves the removal of accumulated dryer lint and debris in the vent. Over time, these vents can get blocked, restricting proper ventilation for your dryer. 

A blocked dryer vent can cause serious damage: fire or water damage.

Fire Damage

The primary cause of fires in residential buildings is the failure to clean dryer vents. According to reports from the US Fire Administration, there are over 12,700 dryer fires each year, leading to 15 fatalities, 300 injuries, and $88 million in property loss annually.

Water Damage

Water damage occurs when the dryer vent is blocked, and the dryer heats up while 

drying wet clothes, accumulating water. Although this is a common issue, it is often 

overlooked and incorrectly attributed to other causes. The result is rust, humidity, and mold. Exposure to accumulated water can also cause damage to the dryer.

SafeAir Services Dryer Vent Cleaning Guide

The National Fire Protection Association guide regular inspection and cleaning of dryer vents to minimize the risk of fire or water damage. 

In townhouses, apartment complexes, or high-rise buildings, this maintenance is crucial for the safety of the inspected residence and all surrounding units.

SafeAir Services takes enormous pride in its service, dryer vent cleaning guide, and customer 100% satisfaction is our main priority. Our team contains certified, insured, and qualified technicians.

dryer Vent Cleaning Guide

5-Step dryer vent system inspection & cleaning Process Guide

1 - Dryer Vent Cleaning Guide - Prepare for Move

SafeAir Services uses Airlift technology equipment to move your dryer, ensuring the protection of your floor and belongings.

2 - Dryer Vent Cleaning Guide - Assess and Test

SafeAir Services begins by disconnecting the dryer and

conducting a vent airflow test. 

This test evaluates blockage levels, explicitly analyzing any dryer blower sensor errors. Detecting and addressing such blockages is vital to prevent overheating and fire hazards.

Airflow test inspection guides our technician in determining the most effective technique to clear the dryer vent and optimize airflow.

Dryer Vent System Inspection and Cleaning - The Full Guide

3 - Dryer Vent Cleaning - Guide Clean the Vent

With initial inspection results, SafeAir Services begins the dryer vent cleaning process, including selecting the most suitable method based on the vent's current condition.

4 - Dryer Vent Cleaning Guide - Verify and Troubleshoot

A post-cleaning airflow test is conducted to verify optimal airflow safety. Additional cleaning and vent inspection are done to visually assess the vent's interior and identify any cause of airflow failure.

5 - Dryer Vent Cleaning Guide - Inspect with Camera

For the final step, We use a digital vent special camera that captures the entire vent

the dryer to the exit outlet outside. If we find any additional issues, we document 

them with pictures and share with customers for possible repairs. 

The Unique Difference of SafeAir Guide

dryer Vent Cleaning Guide

SafeAir Service sets itself apart with certified and insured professionals using a unique  5-step process for dryer vent system inspection and cleaning.        

Our efficient service includes the most advanced technologies, such as digital vent camera inspection, airflow testing, and specialized airlift equipment. 

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